Thursday 15 December 2016

Observations in December ...

Simple things can be compelling...I quote this from the book I am reading "Still Life with Breadcrumbs"by Anna Quindlen. This led to thinking I want to take simple but compelling photos. Photos with symbolism. Then I looked around the room with that in view.
Lying under a white quilted and scalloped coverlet in a plain room painted grey and pared down to a bed and a cupboard, I surface from a midday siesta ( ah the freedom of no time constraints!), and my eye falls on the one redeeming feature in this bedroom- an old-fashioned almost kitsch-looking kitchen cupboard- of the plastic kind, free-standing  in white and pale green.
I am in a simple and perfect setting to be reflecting on where I am at - in the middle of a December day, when the world is bustling around Xmas-decorated shopping malls with carols blaring, and others are holidaying on hot beaches or risking their lives on death-trapping roads- I am lying in this cool room and immersing myself in this book, which takes me right out of my usual surrounds and where I can clearly and suddenly see everything in a different light.
Looking at this rather unexpected and interesting cupboard, I can see that most things are open to interpretation or at least can be seen at a different slant!
How is it that I , right here  and now, relish this very moment in time - a strange bedroom with a kitchen cupboard on which I see the bare necessities and this is my take on it.
The three plants on top symbolize life, green growth and perhaps an attempt at softening the whole picture. The pink orchid plant on the right is like an afterthought to enhance the stark fact of a forgotten era's kitchen cupboard.
A large family Bible  incongruously lies out of place in the middle ( the white slab to left of hat). To this I have personalised and made it of practical use, by adding my bag ( for lack of any other place to put it), my straw hat - both rather more beige and colourless that I usually opt for. The blue  Nivea Nourishing cream - to give a touch of smoothness, the red box contains the perfume I recently acquired after weeks of not having any; two lipsticks being the colourful woman I know myself to be plus three bottles of nail varnish- again in three different colours, a green tube of Sh'Zen for my restless legs- literally and otherwise- and a yellow tube of sunscreen, for the rather vain purpose of preventing age spots on my precious hands, both of which I watch with trepidation as they become slightly knobbly with the onset of arthritis...
I find myself wondering about what is actually really necessary in our full and busy lives? Looking at these articles I am surprised at how it is enough, how it suffices.... ( some might say yes but why three colours of nail varnish? ...and to that I will simply reply why not?)
The bottom line is on this day in December I need nothing more- I am at peace and if you will excuse me now, I shall return to my book - Still Life and Breadcrumbs !!